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Terms of Use

To use the Software and Services offered by Insmind pte . ltc (‘we’,’our’ or ’us’), you shall read and comply with Terms and Conditions of insMind (hereinafter referred to as this Agreement) . You shall be careful to understand the terms fully, especially those that exempt or restrict liability, and a separate agreement for the opening or use of a service, and choose to accept or not. Restrictions, exemptions may be noted in bold form.

You are not entitled to download, install and use the Software and related Services unless you have read or accepted all the terms and conditions hereof. Your behaviors of download, installation, login and other uses shall be deemed to have read and agreed to the above agreement.To access and use the Software and Services,you must be an adult under applicable law.

1.Scope of the agreement

This Agreement is an agreement between you and the Software regarding your download, installation, use, reproduction of the Software and use of the services associated to the Software.

2.About this service 

This service content refers to the content of edit service provided by this software. The specific functions include but not limited to background remover, scene edit production, AI tools etc., specific to the functions contained in the website.

3.Software acquisition

You can obtain it directly from the third parties authorized by this software. In order to provide a better quality, safe service, this software may recommend you to install other software, you can choose to install or not to install. If you no longer need to use this software, or if you need to install a new version of the software, you can uninstall it by yourself.

4.Update of software

In order to improve the user experience and improve the service content, we will continue to develop new services and provide you with software updates from time to time (these updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.). In order to ensure the security and functional consistency of the software and services, we have the right to update the software or change or restrict some of the functional effects of the software. After the release of the new version of the software, the old version of the software may not be available. we guarantee that the old version of the software will remain available and the corresponding services. Please check and download the latest version at any time.

 5.Privacy policy

Protecting users 'personal information is a basic principle for us, and we will take reasonable measures to protect users' information. Except for the circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, we will not be disclosed to a third party without user permission, revealing user personal information.In order to provide users with relevant service functions or improve technology and services, you may need to provide some necessary information in the process of registering an account or using the service.We adopt international standard encrypted storage and transmission mode for relevant information to ensure the security of users' personal information.

6.Common provisions

We specially remind you that you should keep your account properly. When you finish your edition, you should exit safely. Our services are in the trial operation stage, and there is no fee to charge you for any reason so you shall take your responsibility for your account safety and your loss.

User Notes: You understand and agree that, in order to provide you with effective services, you hereby license the software to use the processor and broadband resources of your mobile communication terminal equipment. For the cost of data traffic that may occur during the use of this software, you need to know the relevant tariff information from the operator.


You must comply with the Singapore laws and regulations when using the Service.

In the process of using the service, you shall guarantee that you will not carry out any illegal operations or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, and shall not generate, produce, disseminate, or share the contents that violate laws and regulations, public order, unpleasant or the legitimate rights and interests of others through the Service. Specific circumstances include but are not limited to: 

endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, undermining national unity, or damaging the image, honor and interests of the state;
inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity; 
undermining state religious policies or promoting evil cults and feudal superstitions; 
spreading rumors, disturbing social order or undermining social stability; 
spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;
insulting, slandering, infringing upon the legal rights of others or causing adverse effects on others; 
containing false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringement of others' privacy, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgar, obscene, or other morally objectionable content; 
Contents that infringe upon others' privacy, personal information, copyright, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights or legal rights; 
conducting improper marketing or commercial speculation; 
Spread sensitive commercial advertisements such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, plastic surgery, medical and health care products, or similar commercial solicitation information, and spread excessive marketing information and junk information;
to contain or containing your location and Singapore laws, regulations, rules, regulations and other contents restricted or prohibited by any legal codes and regulations deemed unsuitable for display.
If you use the service in the process of violation of laws and regulations, violation of business ethics, violation of social order (including but not limited to the content for network hype, malicious Posting with review, make junk software, write malicious software, improper business marketing, etc.) or illegally generated the aforementioned content, or by external to you or you use the service generated complaints or reports, we have the right to block or delete the content, and shall have the right to take a certain degree of restrictions to you (including but not limited to content delete, account limit function, etc.). If we or the third party suffer losses due to your aforementioned behavior, you shall also bear the corresponding liability for compensation.

We have the right to record your illegal behaviors and report them to the relevant authorities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

You agree and promise that you use the service upload, input or provide all the content (including but not limited to pictures, text, etc.) are in accordance with the laws and regulations and obtain complete, full authorization, there is no violation of the legitimate rights and interests of others, and use the service does not disclose any trade secrets, confidential, sensitive or personal information. You know and agree that we use your authorized information only for the purpose of performing the Contract.

The service can only be used by yourself for legitimate purposes. You shall not sell, lease, lend, copy, modify, link, compile, publish or conduct any behavior that threatens the normal operation of the service by yourself (including but not limited to obtaining source code by reverse compilation, reverse engineering, reverse assembly; attack the software; unauthorized third-party plug-ins, plug-ins; interfere with the normal operation of the service in any way).

Unless permitted by law or with our written permission , you shall not delete the information on the software and its copies, reverse engineer the Software or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.

You fully understand and agree that you must be responsible for all the actions under your account registration.

Your use of this Software means that you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this Software Agreement. We have the right to modify the terms of this Agreement if necessary. If you do not accept the modified terms, you should stop using this software.

Previous versions: